Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to purchase Jajingle for the full year?

No. You may take advantage of our minimum, 3-month plan that gives you enough time to introduce the program and meaningfully assess whether or not you want to continue. However, by purchasing an annual package, you can save almost $300.00! A six-month subscription is available if your business is seasonal. Please ask us about this.

Generally speaking, how popular is Smartphone use?

Smartphones are here to stay and have become a central part of people’s lives. According to Top Mobile Marketing Sources: predictions were – by the end of 2011 over half of the US population would be utilizing smartphones and of that 50% , smartphone users are said to be 50% more likely to purchase from sites with an enhanced mobile presence. QR code usage has grown 96% in 2 years; 60.5% of QR code readers are men; 85.4% of those QR readers are between the ages of 20-50. Jajingle is gives them options to enjoy additional value you have to offer.

Do you manage our offers or do we do it?

You manage your offers. Jajingle’s user-friendly interface makes changing offers as simple and as quick as updating a standard Word document. Your QR code and text number stays the same and is accessible using your unique login username and password. Once you make a change and hit SAVE, your offer is simultaneously changed right across the board whether your customer is accessing the offer by QR code, text or phone call.

How can I use QR codes to collect email addresses?

One of the primary objectives of your marketing activities is to grow a prospect/customer database. QR Codes strategically placed throughout your place of business and in your promotional materials are a great way to create opt-in opportunities. Use a compelling opt-in offer in combination with a QR Code and you are on your way to building more sales leads. Offer customers something that they want - a special offer, sale, event. Give them a reason to contact you or follow you.

How do payments work?

When you choose a program, your credit card is charged immediately for your set up fee. Then, if you choose the 3-month introductory program, your credit card will be charged every month on that day going forward for a 90 day period. If you choose the annual program, your credit card will be charged immediately – saving you almost $300.00 !

Can customers or prospects access Jajingle using text (SMS) ?

Yes. Your customer or prospect has a choice of accessing your offer by using a QR code, SMS or even calling your assigned SMS phone number.

Are there any extra fees?

Not for the standard Jajingle program. Everything is included in your monthly cost. There is a nominal charge if you want to expand beyond the promotional material included in your start-up kit.

How can I get started?

Simply go to Get Started and fill out the contact form and hit Submit. A Jajingle representative will contact you within one business day. Or, call us at 1-877-282-5228.

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© Jajingle 2014